When was the last time you did a cleaning of your Social media and computer? If you are planning to file for a divorce the time to do that cleaning is now!

Most spouses have access to each others computer if they are not actually sharing a computer. What lies on your computer and your social media posts will haunt you if you have not cleansed them. Photos of you at a party with your friends holding a drink are often what people post to their social media. That occasional drink looks a lot more then occasional when there is not much else on your social media postings of you.

Character is important in a custody dispute. Otherwise innocent photos can be used against you when the issue of which parent is the better custodian arises.  You also want to clean up your “likes” and other comments on social media.  These all form a portrait of you that your spouse may use against you if the portrait raises any questions of your character.  We have mentioned this before but it is so important. Social Media is not your friend. 

Post carefully and check your history to see if it is what you want to portray as the public you.  In a contested divorce everything can be used as fair game.  While you are at it, be sure to change your passwords before you start your divorce and again once your spouse has left the marital home. You can be sure your spouse will otherwise be looking into your computer. Be safe, not sorry.

Hiring an experienced divorce attorney is important in a divorce as your attorney will know how to deal with these character issues and best assist you.


To get answers now to your legal problems call Jerome Goldstein, Attorney at Law at 203-929-7773 or request a Consultation. I am here to help you. There are solutions.

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