When we were in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, without the availability of the courts to steer family problems, Visitations were often refused. Refusing Visitation has repercussions. Problems with visitation and custody battles during the Coronavirus crisis are universal, as demonstrated in this article on how California courts and family practitioners are handling these … Read More…
Tag: alimony
Categories: Divorce, NewsTags: alimony, contempt, custody, modification, support, visitationIf you lost your job, partially or fully you need to act now to seek a modification of your alimony and/or child support orders. If you feel that in fulfilling your visitation orders your child or children may be in danger you need to act properly. Protect your rights and your children but be certain … Read More…
Why Now Is The Time To Start Your Divorce
Categories: Divorce, NewsTags: alimony, contempt, courts, custody, divorce, modification, support, visitationWith the Connecticut courts cutting back on scheduling hearings and jury trials, due to the remaining coronavirus overload of cases, you may think of putting your legal battles off. That is definitely the wrong decision. The courts of the State of Connecticut are receiving ongoing filings of new divorces, custody battles, support claims, personal injury … Read More…
Categories: Business Law, Criminal, Divorce, Estate & Probate, NewsTags: alimony, contempt, court rules, courts, Criminal, custody, divorce, modification, support, visitationTraditionally courts require you to physically be in the court room to be heard on your legal problems. Your busy schedule may have you put off your attending to your legal troubles, be it a divorce, visitation, support, or custody modifications, contract dispute, personal injury, etc. So what can you do? If you have … Read More…
Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Divorce
Categories: Divorce, NewsTags: alimony, contempt, courts, custody, divorce, modification, support, visitationDANGERS OF DO-IT-YOURSELF DIVORCE The percentage of divorces that include at least one party not being represented by an attorney has skyrocketed. A large reason for this is people watch many TV shows and movies depicting court matters. Seeing so many shows about court proceedings make people feel comfortable doing it on their own. Connecticut … Read More…
Surviving the Emotional Divorce Rollercoaster
Categories: Divorce, NewsTags: alimony, contempt, courts, custody, divorce, modification, support, visitationGetting a divorce can be an emotional rollercoaster. Here are eight tips of how to better get through your divorce. 1. Be flexible Marriage is a give and take and divorce even more so. Inflexibility of either party just puts money in the attorneys’ pocket. 2. Avoid Spending Money On Personal Pleasure A divorce … Read More…
Better Parenting Through Divorce
Categories: Divorce, NewsTags: alimony, contempt, courts, custody, divorce, modification, support, visitationAs published in the Connecticut Post. Many people wonder why there is no class required to become a parent. Many states have such a course but it is not required until the parent’s file for a divorce. Contrary to what you would expect of a required parenting course the curriculum is not about the everyday … Read More…
Grounds For Divorce
Categories: Divorce, NewsTags: alimony, contempt, courts, custody, divorce, modification, support, visitationGrounds for Dissolution of Marriage; Legal Separation; Annulment Connecticut is a No-Fault Divorce state. That means that a finding that the marriage has broken down irretrievably is sufficient to get a divorce. Proof of irretrievable breakdown is required and is a determination of the court based on the facts. Simple incompatibility is not enough. A … Read More…
Changing your name after divorce?
Categories: DivorceTags: alimony, contempt, courts, custody, divorce, modification, support, visitationCHANGING A NAME IN A DIVORCE IS NOT ALWAYS A GOOD THING. If you have used a name for many years & have children from the marriage using your marital last name, reverting to your Maiden Name may be problematic. You have to balance the difficulty of people not being able to find you after … Read More…
Why must I pay child support if the kids are with me for so much visitation time?
Categories: DivorceTags: alimony, courts, custody, divorce, modification, support, visitationSupport is not based on the time the custodial parent has the child but to insure there is a home for the child to return to after visitations as well. If primary custody has changed since the time of your divorce, with your having your children substantially more than was contemplated in your divorce decree, … Read More…